Why we Celebrate Teacher’s Day Each Year on 5 September

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Celebrate Teacher's Day
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Teacher’s Day is a special day celebrated in honor of all the teachers who have dedicated their lives to imparting knowledge and shaping the future of the nation. It is a day when students express their gratitude and appreciation towards their teachers for their tireless efforts, hard work and their contribution to the betterment of our society. Teacher’s Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries but in most countries, it is celebrated on 5th October. As a student, I can say that teachers are not just educators but also mentors, guides, and role models who inspire us to achieve our goals and aspirations in our lives.

Why do Indians Celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5 September?

The concept of celebrating Teacher’s Day was first introduced in India in 1962, on the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a great philosopher, scholar, and teacher. Dr. Radhakrishnan believed that “teachers should be the best minds in the country” and he himself was the epitome of this belief. He was a great teacher, a respected scholar, and an eminent statesman who went on to become the President of India.

After becoming president of India some of Dr.S.Radhakrishnan’s friends and students requested him to permit them to celebrate his birthday on 5 September. He says ‘Instead of celebrating it as my birthday, if it will be marked as teacher’s day I will be privileged. Getting such a request from the 1st president of India shows Dr. S. Radhakrishnan’s love and respect for the gurus of our country. Since then, our country India has celebrated Teachers’ Day on the 5th of September each year.

How Indians Celebrate Teacher’s Day

On Teacher’s Day, students of our country pay tribute to their gurus by organizing various activities such as cultural programs, speeches, presentations, and games. They also give gifts and flowers to their teachers as a token of their love and respect for them. The day is not only celebrated in schools and colleges but also in universities, training centers, and other educational institutions in various parts of our country.

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There is a famous sloka in our scriptures

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः||

Which means ” I salute to the guru (Brahma the creator) guru ( Vishu the preserver) guru ( Shiva the destroyer). I bow in front of the guru, who is the personification of the Trinity.

When a Child is born his / her first teacher is her mother and father. They teach him manners and teach them in the starting stage of their lives. He or she holds a pencil for the first time with his / her parents and learns to write his / her first word. That’s why the celebration of Teacher’s Day is not just limited to students and teachers but it also involves the entire family. Parents, grandparents, and other family members also participate in the celebrations and express their gratitude towards the teachers who have played a significant role in shaping their children’s lives.

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Teacher’s Day Show’s Importance of Education

Teacher’s Day is not just a day to celebrate but it is also a day to show the importance of education and the role of teachers in our society. Teachers are not just educators but they are also mentors, guides, and role models of students. who inspire us to achieve their goals and aspirations. They teach values such as discipline, honesty, and integrity to us and prepare us to face the challenges of our lives.

As a student, I can say that teachers play a significant role in shaping our lives. They not only teach academic subjects but also help us develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. They also teach us how to use technology responsibly and how to be good citizens. In today’s fast-growing world, where technology has taken over, the role of teachers has become even more critical.

One of the most essential things which teachers need to teach in our country is ” Good Touch and Bad Touch”. So that’s where students will learn at a young age how to protect themselves in this world.

In conclusion, Teacher’s Day is a day to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our teachers who have shaped the lives of millions of students around the world. It is a day to express our gratitude towards them and acknowledge their contribution to our society. Let us all take a moment to thank our teachers for their tireless efforts and for being the best minds in the country. Happy Teacher’s Day!

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