James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Milky Way Twin in Farthest Reaches of the Universe



The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a distant galaxy, ceers-2112 resembling the Milky Way. 

Ceers-2112, a spiral galaxy features a bar of stars and gas across its center similar to our Milky Way. 


Contrary to previous beliefs ceers-2112 existed 11.7 billion years ago only 15 percent into the life of the universe. 


The advanced capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope allowed for this surprising discovery. 


Bingjie Wang, a team member states that studying these galaxies helps understand the early universe and test galaxy formation theories. 


The galaxy is observed at a redshift of 3 indicating its light took 11.7 billion years to reach us. 


This discovery questions theoretical models suggesting barred galaxies shouldn't have formed so early in the universe. 


The study also reveals that unlike expectations ceers-2112's evolution was primarily influenced by ordinary matter not dark matter at two billion years into the universe. 


Published in the journal Nature the research suggests the James Webb Space Telescope is transforming our understanding of the early universe with scientists planning further exploration in the coming years. 
